You may have heard there were some changes in Medigap in 2020, that affected who can buy what Medigap plans. The main development is that Medigap Plan F is now not available for people turning 65 after 2020. This raises questions about Medigap Plan G and its guaranteed issue situation, both for Normal Enrollment and Special Enrollment.

Is Medigap Plan G guaranteed issue for those new to Medicare in 2020?

The answer is yes. Medigap Plan G will still be guaranteed issue for “newly eligible” members of Medicare. Remember you can enroll in Medigap with no health questions asked from 3 months before your 65th birthday until 5 months after the month of your birthday. You can check your deadlines here.

Is Medigap Plan G guaranteed issue for Special Enrollment in 2020?

The answer is also yes. Until 2019, people who left work coverage could not purchase Medigap Plan G under Special Enrollment, but could get Plan F and other Medigap plans. That is no longer the case. Seniors can now also get Plan G under the Special Enrollment period.

Next Steps for enrolling in Medigap

Give us a call here at to get you enrolled in a Medigap Plan in no time. There is never a fee or hidden charge to work with  Since Medicare insurance pricing is regulated, no one can sell you the same plan for less than we can.