BBB Accredited Business
Years in Business: 21

About is operated by Medicoverage Inc. DBA Regal Benefits Insurance Services, a licensed independent health insurance agency certified to sell Medicare products. contains information about and access to insurance plans for Medicare Beneficiaries, individuals soon eligible for Medicare and those advising on behalf of Medicare beneficiaries. is not endorsed by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) or any other government agency. We do not offer every plan available in your area. Any information we provide is limited to those plans we do offer in your area. Please contact or 1-800-MEDICARE to get information on all of your options.Please visit our privacy policy to learn more about how we protect your information.

Our Story

Eric Scheinbaum and Chris Mihm co-founded Medicoverage Inc and launched after one of their parents struggled to figure out Medicare supplemental plans. The two had a combined twenty years of under-65 health insurance experience so they figured clarifying Medicare options would be a breeze.

Unfortunately, they were quickly overwhelmed with Medicare information from 100+ page brochures and confusing government websites. After a long process, they figured it out and realized that health coverage for seniors and those who are Medicare eligible could be as easy as 1, 2, 3 if someone organized it in a straightforward manner. Shortly afterward, was launched with the single goal of making Medicare and Medicare Insurance options easy-to-understand and purchase. Learn more on why we think you should use Co-founders Eric Scheinbaum (left) and Chris Mihm

Our Mission is committed to educate Americans on how Medicare health insurance works. Our mission is to assist you to easily research, understand, and purchase Medicare health insurance so you can get on with your lives.

Our Commitment

Medicoverage is committed to protecting your personal information. We will never sell any information to third party vendors. For more information about how we protect your personal information, please review our privacy statement.