Looking for a simple guide to signing up for a Medigap plan? You’ve come to the right place. Follow these steps and rest easy.

Enrolling in a Medigap plan might seem complicated, but it’s actually pretty straightforward. Let’s break it down into four simple steps.
Step 1: Sign Up for Original Medicare
Before you can get a Medigap plan, you need to be enrolled in both Medicare Part A and Part B. If you aren’t automatically enrolled, you’ll need to take care of that first.
If you start getting Social Security before 65, you’ll automatically be enrolled in Medicare Parts A and B. If you wait, you’ll need to enroll yourself. Do it 6 months before you turn 65. You can enroll online, at your local Social Security office, or by calling 1-800-772-1213.
Step 2: Figure Out What Coverage You Need
Before you start comparing Medigap quotes, think about what kind of coverage you’re looking for. Most people go with Medigap Plan G because it covers just about everything. However, you have other options, labeled A-N, that might be a better choice for your needs. Narrow it down to one or two plans that seem right for you. Our Medigap Plan Recommendation Wizard can help you figure out what you need and which plan is right for you.
Step 3: Get Quotes for Medigap Plans
Once you’ve decided on a couple of Medigap plans, it’s time to get some quotes. Remember, you can shop around based on price. It’s important to know that a Plan A from one company offers the same coverage as a Plan A from another.
You can do the whole process quickly and online by following this link to our Instant Medigap Pricing (quote). Fill out all your information and click on ‘See My Instant Medigap Price’ to see a list of insurers in your area and what they offer.

Step 4: Enroll in Your Chosen Medigap Plan
After you’ve found a Medigap plan that suits both your needs and your budget, go ahead and enroll. Depending on the insurance company you choose, you may be able to enroll online by clicking ‘Enroll Online,’ or you may need to enroll by phone. If you need to call, a message will pop up saying, ‘Online applications are currently not available for this insurance product. Please call 800-930-7956 to enroll over the phone.’
These are the insurance companies that allow you to enroll online:
Anthem Blue Cross Of CA Medigap Application,
Blue Shield Of CA Medigap Application,
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois Medigap,
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas Medigap,
Carefirst Blue Cross Blue Shield Medigap Application,
Healthnet Medigap Application and
Mutual of Omaha Medigap Application.
We can help you enroll over the phone (800-930-7956) with any of the following carriers and more: Aetna, Anthem Blue Cross, Blue Shield, CareFirst, Cigna, HealthNet, Humana, Mutual of Omaha, United American Allstate and more
Don’t put it off, though. In most states, you only have a six-month window to enroll without worrying about being denied coverage.
Next Steps:
Need a hand finding the perfect plan? Our team at Senior65.com is here to help! We’ll guide you through the enrollment process and ensure you get a plan that fits your health and budget. Just call us at 800-930-7956.