Medigap plans can help pay for certain doctor fees that Original Medicare does not cover. Medigap policies are private insurance policies that supplement Original Medicare (Parts A and B) by covering fees that Original Medicare does not cover, such as copayments, deductibles, and coinsurance.

Get peace of mind knowing Medigap pays a portion of doctor fees that Medicare doesn’t cover.

Medigap policies do not cover the cost of the doctor visit itself, only the costs not covered by Original Medicare. See our examples below: 

Example of how Medigap covers doctor deductible fees

Medigap Plan F covers the Medicare Part B deductible which is $257. This means that the plan will pay the $203 deductible you typically have to pay before Medicare starts to pay its share of the cost of doctor visits.

Example of how Medigap covers Doctor Co-insurance fees

Medigap policies can help pay for the 20% of the coinsurance that Original Medicare does not cover for doctor visits. For example, if have already satisfied your part B deductible, you are still usually required to pay 20% of the doctor’s visit.  If you had a Medigap Plan N, it would cover that 20% amount after you make a $20 copay (Plan F and G do not have a copayment requirement). 

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Example of how Medigap covers Doctor Excess Fees

Say you went to the doctor and had a procedure. In many states, she is able to charge you 15% in addition to the Medicare agreed-upon rate in the form of Excess Charges. If you had a Medigap Plan G, however, it would plan this excess charge for you (Plan N does not cover excess charges).


So does Medigap really help cover Doctor Fees?

Yes! Depending on the plan it can cover all or most of the doctor fees that Medicare passes on to patients. If you need help selecting a plan, visit our Medicare Insurance selection wizard. If you would like to get an instant quote click here.  You can call at 800-930-7956 if you would like assistance. There is never a hidden fee or cost to work with us. 

Remember:  You will still have to pay the Part B premium of $185, which is the same regardless of whether you have a Medigap plan or not.