Yes! adjustable beds are covered under Medicare part B, but there are restrictions. First, you will need to check with your provider, as well as the Durable Medical Equipment (DME) supplier, to ensure they are Medicare Providers and accept assignment. If the supplier accepts the assignment, you will pay 20% of the Medicare-approved amount, plus the Part B deductible. See below, to learn ways you may be able to get help paying some of the remaining costs.

How Will Original Medicare Cover Adjustable Beds in the Home?
Medicare will cover adjustable beds in the home, but you will be required to provide evidence that the bed is medically necessary. For instance, if you require frequent repositioning due to pain caused by cardiac disease, spinal cord injuries, or severe arthritis.
A disability requiring an adjustable bed must be present. First, you’ll need to obtain a prescription from your doctor, and then provide supporting medical records. For instance, if the prescription includes any specific requirements, such as a special mattress or bed rails, then those items should be clearly specified.
When the above conditions are met, Medicare will pay up to 80%, after the part B deductible has been paid.

Examples of Durable Medical Equipment That is Associated with Adjustable Beds:
- Air-Fluidized bed
- Air or water pressure pad for mattress
- Heavy-duty beds with a weight capacity greater than 600 pounds
- Fixed-height hospital bed
- Pediatric crib
- Special gel pressure mattress pad
- Semi-electric hospital bed
- Electric hospital bed with foot, head, and height adjustment
- Variable-height hospital bed
Do Medigap Plans Cover Adjustable Beds?
Medigap plans help fill in some of the gaps that Medicare does not cover. For example, these plans will typically pay the 20% leftover adjustable bed balance not covered by Medicare. Some Medigap plans such as Plan F cover the part B deductible as well as the 20% balance. So, some people with certain Medigap plans may not have to pay any money out of pocket for approved adjustable beds through Medicare. Don’t guess, compare! Read our article “Comparing Medigap Plans” to find the best Medigap plan for you.

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Do Medicare Advantage Plans Cover Adjustable Beds?
Medicare Advantage (MA) plans may cover some of the costs of adjustable beds. Remember, MA plans are not standardized, which means each carrier determines how much coverage they will offer.